To think of wallpaper would be to think of anything from a frustrated huff to an all-out screaming match at the wall. The days of bubbles in wallpaper and impossibly messy glue are gone and hence wallpaper has made a tremendous resurface. Scandinavian Wallpaper and Décor believes in the endurance of wallpaper in our modern times. Founder Ann-Louise Jansson, believed the wallpaper market in Australia needed a glimpse of Scandinavian design and has birthed her own studio in Perth for us all to enjoy. The studio works with clients from all around Australia, helping them decide on the perfect clothing for their walls. The wallpaper as a product is made from ancient techniques that have been perfected over time to create a vintage modern feel. All of the wallpaper is non-woven, blended with natural and synthetic fibres; increasing the paper’s washability. Of course, all things carefully produced and designed, take care of the world’s environment. The clever design of the wallpaper means they are easy to install, rearrange and remove. With the return of wallpaper fashion, Scandinavian Wallpaper endeavours to bring a whole new perspective on wallpaper design. The choices of beautiful designs are endless, with a large variety of designs on display. To add to the never ending corridors of choice, there are also several different types of wallpapers on offer; murals, traditional, digital, magnetic, magnetic wall products, custom printing and décor. A standout out for me is a map mural from Rebel Designs. The mural is a beautifully inscribed treasure map, depicted on navy blue paper. Something that would be such an inspiring addition to my own writing/reading nook.
Another intriguing product on offer is the magnetic wallpaper. It’s receptive to magnetic objects, allowing you to decorate your room, without ever ruining the walls. The chalkboard wallpaper designed by Groovy Magnets allows any creative brainstormer to simply record ideas in the most convenient location; the wall.
To fully grasp the extent of Scandinavian Wallpaper and Décor’s collection browse their website Website | Facebook
Author: Hannah Tate
Images: courtesy of Wallpaper Decor